
Monday Musings 8-2-21

I’ve just finished my first post-COVID book event. In fact, I’m writing this blog from my hotel room in Tampa, just outside the convention center. My two friends, fellow authors who also attended the Con, left this morning, but I am meeting my husband down here for a vacation. We’ll catch up with family we haven’t seen in far too long, and have quiet time together at the beach - a perfect ending to the outing!

As I write this, I’m remembering how exhausting these events are. My feet hurt, my voice is hoarse by the end, and I definitely don’t get enough sleep. Regardless, I’ve really missed this part of the writer’s life. I miss talking with fans who enjoy similar things. I miss sharing my process with aspiring writers. I miss the feeling of satisfaction I get when I sign a book I’ve written for a new or returning reader. Sure, I communicate with readers, fans, and fellow authors all the time via social media, email, or Zoom, and I am so grateful for these options, but they don’t replace the energy that’s generated when we’re together in the same room.

My friends and I presented at four different panels over the weekend. The audience was fully engaged. I find these moments, when total strangers connect over a shared interest, to be very powerful. It reminds me that despite the many things that divide us, we have much in common. We have stories to tell, experiences to share, vivid and unique imaginations that compel us to create. When I’m with fellow writers, artists, and other creative types, even in a setting that’s as light-hearted and pop-culture focused as a Comic Con, I’m reminded of the value in what we do.

“There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns.” - Edward de Bono

Here’s a few fun photos from the weekend…

Monday Musings 7-19-21

At the end of the month, I’ll be heading to Tampa Bay Comic Con to sign books and moderate panels. I’m so excited to essentially re-launch Equinox, book 3 in the Horizon series. I had just completed the trilogy and started my promotional activities when COVID hit, stalling everything in its tracks. Now that the world is opening up again, I have a pretty aggressive book signing schedule set, and I can’t wait to get going!

I made an interesting pivot during COVID and established the Maggie Clare persona in order to write romantic suspense. I was able to write, market, and sell this type of work without ever leaving home, and it gave me something to dig into and eventually celebrate during a particularly challenging time for me professionally. Turns out, I really love writing as Maggie, but I’m also excited to tend to my speculative fiction platform. To that end, the draft of Dreamwalker is finished, and I am working through edits with my agent before sending it out on submission. Edits are daunting, but at least the framework is in place. I’m really excited to see where this book will land, so stay tuned!

Back to Tampa…. If you’re in the area, I’d love to see you at the Con. I’ll be with a couple of other fabulous RI authors signing books all weekend. Please stop by and say hello. And, if you’re an aspiring or established writer, check out our panels. They’re really fun and informative. Here’s our full program schedule with descriptions:


3:00PM - 4:00PM // Floor 1, Rm. 3

If the future is Feminist, is your writing? Maybe you have questions you’re afraid to ask. Or, maybe you have first-person advice you’d like to give. If you’ve ever wondered if your female character should pull her hair back before she battles a vampire (emphatically yes, and she should always have an elastic on her wrist), then this is the panel for you. Always wanted to tell the male writers how a woman really showers? Then join us! SciFi, Fantasy, Gamer, and Graphic Novel writers (or anyone, really, we like you all) let’s have a courageous conversation about what it means to have gender equity in our art.


10:00AM - 11:00AM // Floor 1, Rm. 5

Your main cast of characters should be well-developed and multi-faceted. Each one has a journey and a backstory. Let’s break down character archetypes, and explore ways to bring depth and complexity to these fictional personalities. Join this lively conversation as we examine existing pop-culture heroes, anti-heroes, and villains, and discuss ways to breathe life into our own characters.


12:00PM - 1:00PM // Floor 1, Rm. 3

Every writer has faced it - the dreaded blinking cursor and blank page. When the deadline looms but the ideas won’t flow and you’ve lost the plot, what’s a writer to do? Join a panel of experienced authors as they share their tips and tricks for writing their way out of creative paralysis.


1:30PM - 2:30PM // Floor 1, Rm. 5

Science fiction and fantasy stories transport readers to new worlds, from the wondrous to the weird. Solid world building is essential to invite readers into your story and keep them immersed. How can writers construct believable worlds in unbelievable settings? How can we bring authenticity to these imaginary places? How do we develop an internal logic for our stories that is both fantastical and believable? When imagination and writing craft successfully intersect, the results can be out of this world! If you are an aspiring speculative fiction writer, this presentation is for you.


Daisy is here! She’s a little love - so cuddly and sweet! Now, in addition to kitty pics, I’ll be posting lots of puppy pics too. You can check them out on my Instagram @tabithalord.

Monday Musings 11-16-20

The dark days of winter are quickly approaching, and this year, with more lockdowns on the horizon, I’m feeling a low grade sense of panic set in. I already struggle to keep from circling the drain mental-health wise in the winter, and with the added stress of the pandemic, I’m going to have to call on all the tricks in my book to get through the season.

So, what are those tricks? Most importantly, I pay attention to self-care. During the winter, my tendency is to let things go that I probably shouldn’t in the self-care department. I don’t feel like working out when it’s still dark in the morning. I want hot chocolate and comfort food pretty much all the time. Sweat pants and a baseball hat seems like a fine wardrobe choice. Instead of fighting these tendencies, I try to incorporate them in a healthy, balanced way. Here are a few specific things I try to do:

  • Get more sleep. I need it and the longer nights promote it. I pretend I'm hibernating. 

  • Make my work space more pleasant. Candles and twinkle lights. Seriously. They make the darkness, which lasts so much longer now, feel cozy.

  • More yoga, less gym. I don't stress myself about getting in a hard core workout a certain number of times per week in the winter. Rather, I commit to more hot yoga. It's great exercise, it’s good for tight winter muscles, and it's hot. Did I mention it's hot? Even if the studio I attend has to close down, I have a place in my house ready to go, complete with space heaters and candles.

  • Outdoor time. It takes more effort, layers, and proper footwear, but when I can take a hike in the woods, or even take a walk around the neighborhood, I'm in a better mood afterwards.

Hopefully, there is a light at the end of this pandemic tunnel, with a vaccine on the horizon. But, it is still a long, daunting tunnel to traverse before we get to the other side. Before the season really takes hold, it may be a good time to think ahead about how you’ll manage it. Your self-care methods may not be mine, but you get the idea. Feel free to share what works for you!

In other news…

Save the date! The RI Author Expo is going virtual this year. On December 5 from 10 am - 4 pm, we will have a fantastic line-up of FREE panels, programs, and virtual author meet and greets. We’re using the Grenadine platform and it would be best to register ahead of time so you can plan your day. On the day of the event, live links will be available for every program. Check it out here: RI Virtual Expo. Click the blue button on the top navigation bar to register for the event.

Here’s my schedule for the day:

  • Tabitha’s Kaffeeklatsch (meet and greet) 10:00 - 10:45 am

  • Not Your Mama’s Romance (panel) - 11:00 - 11:45 am

  • Kick Your Scene into Action (presentation) 12:00 - 12:45 pm

  • So, You Want to Write a Series? (panel) 2:00 - 2:45 pm

  • A Hero, an Anti-hero, and a Villain Walk into a Bar… (panel) 3:00 - 3:45 pm

Hope to see you there!

Monday Musings 11-2-20

Last week we had to say goodbye to our beloved dog, Gabby. What we thought was aging joints and inflammation turned out to be bone cancer. One afternoon, she went outside, curled up on the deck, and couldn’t get back up. It was probably best for her that she went so quickly as things were only going to get much worse, but we were devastated.

Gabby was already four years old when she came to live us. When we bring an animal into our lives, we can pretty much guarantee that because of their shorter lifespan they’re going to break our hearts at some point. Yet, they give us such joy and love, we know we’d do it all over again.

Gabby came into my life just as I’d started working from home. Although it was my daughter who wanted a dog, I needed the companionship too. Our sweet girl didn’t disappoint. She slept at my feet while I worked, always one paw touching me somewhere. She hiked with me for miles, happy to be out in all weather. She attended numerous baseball and football games, excited to be part of our third son’s cheering section.

I have pictures of everyone in the family giving Gabby full-body hugs. Actually, it looks more like she is giving us a full-body hug. Ray and I would often joke that we hoped to be worthy of her unconditional love, and that no one was happier to see us when we’d walk through the door than Gabby.

I miss her when I sit out on the porch. I miss her when I’m working at the kitchen table. I miss her when I spill something on the floor. I miss her howling comically at the cookie jar, begging for a treat. She was a beautiful soul and I am eternally grateful that she shared our home for the last six years.

Rest easy, dear Gabby. We love you.

In other news…

Save the date! The RI Author Expo is going virtual this year. On December 5 from 10 am - 4 pm, we will have a fantastic line-up of FREE panels, programs, and virtual author meet and greets. We’re using the Grenadine platform and it would be best to register ahead of time so you can plan your day. On the day of the event, live links will be available for every program. Check it out here: RI Virtual Expo. Click the blue button on the top navigation bar to register for the event.

Here’s my schedule for the day:

  • Tabitha’s Kaffeeklatsch (meet and greet) 10:00 - 10:45 am

  • Not Your Mama’s Romance (panel) - 11:00 - 11:45 am

  • Kick Your Scene into Action (presentation) 12:00 - 12:45 pm

  • So, You Want to Write a Series? (panel) 2:00 - 2:45 pm

  • A Hero, an Anti-hero, and a Villain Walk into a Bar… (panel) 3:00 - 3:45 pm

Hope to see you there!

Monday Musings 2-3-20


Usually, I like Mondays. To me, the start of the week feels full of potential. But, I have to admit, Monday mornings in February feel particularly Mondayish, if you know what I mean. The shine of the new year is wearing off, and the enthusiasm for sticking with the goals I’ve set and the projects I have to complete is waning slightly. This is the time for digging in, when I have to call on my will power and good habits to stay the course.

I realize during the dark days of mid-winter just how important healthy habits are to my productivity and well-being. The first, and probably most important habit, is my time management system. I’ve written before about my admittedly OCD method of structuring my days and weeks, but it becomes particularly important that I stick with it when I least feel like it. When I’m feeling uninspired and lethargic, I have a structure in place that keeps me moving forward. Here’s an article I wrote for Inkitt on the subject that you may find useful: 5 Tips for Time Management: A Busy Writer’s Guide.

In case you don’t want to read the whole article, here’s the ‘CliffsNotes’ version:

  1. Use a calendar! Start with broad strokes. Define your goals and major deadlines, and then back into the details.

  2. Structure your work life to honor your personal rhythms.

  3. Leave space for the unexpected. Equally as important, know when to say no.

  4. Use the tools available to increase efficiency.

  5. Schedule downtime and time for self-care. Put this on the calendar.

This time of year I also try not to over-schedule myself. I know in the fall, I have seemingly boundless energy and enthusiasm, but winter, not so much. I can’t go on a three-month vacation or hide out on a tropical island (those darn books won’t write themselves!), but I can be realistic about how much I can manage.

While most of my tips focus on the writer’s life, the basic principles worked for me when I was managing a whole different career, and when all the kids were little and my day-to-day looked very different. Maybe you’ll find something useful as you navigate February?

Upcoming Events:


February 14-16 - New England’s longest running science-fiction convention!

My panel schedule…

Pacing the Novel

Format: Panel

15 Feb 2020, Saturday 11:00 - 11:50, Marina 4 (Westin)

It’s crucial to the feel of the novel, but one of the least discussed aspects of fiction. How do you intensify a scene, bringing the reader deep into the narrative — yet still keep the novel moving along? Panelists share techniques for balancing intensity and movement within their work.

Genetic Engineering in SF

Format: Panel

15 Feb 2020, Saturday 14:00 - 14:50, Burroughs (Westin)

We have developed the ability to modify and change the genes in plants, animals, and creatures that fall into neither category. To some degree, we have the power to play god, but what are the possible consequences? What is actually possible versus probable? Can we create new species? Can we solve health care problems before conception? Can we grow non-sentient meat like we grow corn? Can we modify humanity to withstand climate change? If the science were only possible, what changes might we make to create a better future for mankind?

Troubleshooting Troublesome Manuscripts

Format: Panel

15 Feb 2020, Saturday 15:00 - 15:50, Marina 2 (Westin)

Our intrepid authors come together to share tips and tricks for tackling the most notorious issues that arise when writing and editing their work. Find out how to fix hidden plot holes, dangling loose ends, and the endings that just won't end!

Evolution of Greek Mythology in Contemporary Fantasy

Format: Panel
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 17:00 - 17:50, Marina 4 (Westin)

Some of the first, and most memorable, fantasy stories were born far in the past in a picturesque land bordered by the Ionian, the Aegean, and the Mediterranean Seas. How have these Greek tales filtered down through the ages, leaving their marks upon the annals of literature, and where can we still see the traces of their influence (if not their direct effect) upon modern fantasy and science fiction?

Kaffeeklatsch: Tabitha Lord

Format: Kaffeeklatsch
16 Feb 2020, Sunday 11:00 - 11:50, Galleria - Kaffeeklatsch 1 (Westin)


February 28- March 1

I’ll be signing and selling books all weekend at the Bard’s Tower booth.

Monday Musings 12-02-19


It’s December already! Here in New England we have that interesting “wintery mix” going on outside. But my house is decorated, complete with lots of white twinkling lights and candles, the coffee is on, and I’m wearing my snuggly rabbit slippers, so I actually feel quite cozy. As I mentioned in last week’s post, I have a whole list of things I have to do to manage my mood during the winter months and hectic holiday season. I wrote a more extensive post for the Inkitt Writer’s Blog about this. You can check it out here: Mind Your Mental Health.

Right now, I am focused on dividing up the to-do list so I don’t get completely overwhelmed with tasks that should be enjoyable but instead can stress me out if I’m not careful. This week cookie baking is on the agenda! I’ve been participating in a neighborhood cookie swap for the last decade and we’ve turned it into a good-spirited competition. This year I’m enlisting my daughter’s help - she’s got mad frosting skills - in hopes of taking away the grand prize.

So, the fact that I’ve been doing this fun thing with my neighbors for over a DECADE really gives me pause. How did the time pass so quickly? But instead of focusing on how old that makes me feel, I’m choosing instead to feel blessed. It’s a gift to have had these friends in my life for so long. It’s a gift to have events I look forward to as part of celebrating the season. It’s a gift that as a family, we have traditions we enjoy, or even laugh about, like watching “It’s a Wonderful Life” and the kids quoting nearly every line.

“Remember this. Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.”

On another note…

Join me and dozens of other local authors for the 7th Annual RI Author Expo. Signed books make great holiday gifts!

When: Saturday December 7th, from 10 am to 4:30 pm

Where: Rhodes on the Pawtuxet, 60 Rhodes Place, Cranston, RI

I’ll be moderating this fun panel at 2:00 pm:

A Hero, an Anti-hero, and a Villain Walk into a Bar…

Your main cast of characters should be well-developed and multi-faceted. Each one has a journey and a backstory. Let’s break down character archetypes, and explore ways to bring depth and complexity to these fictional personalities. Join this lively conversation as we examine existing pop-culture heroes, anti-heroes, and villains, and discuss ways to breathe life into our own characters.

And finally…

If you’re looking for a new science fiction or fantasy read, check out these titles from the New England Speculative Writers. They are discounted for Black Friday and Cyber Monday! HORIZON is on the list, so if you’ve been meaning to read it, now is your chance! Sale runs through December 5th. Sci-Fi/Fantasy Black Friday $.99 Deal

Monday Musings 10-28-19


I wrote my very first horror short story and sold it to a podcast. It’s live now and you can find it here: Tales to Terrify. Voice actor Heather Thomas does an amazing job, and even though I wrote it, I’m still creeped out by it! “Goodbye, Charlie” is the last story of episode 404. Please have a listen and let me know what you think.

This weekend I’ll be signing books at RI Comic Con with several local authors. Come visit me at table 613! I’ll also be moderating two panels:

World Building 101 - Saturday at 1:00 pm in room 552a

The Gift of Writer’s Block - Sunday at 3:00 pm in room 552a

I’ve also officially started writing my next book, tentatively titled Dream Walker. It’s a dark urban fantasy - think Jessica Jones meets Dexter - featuring a kick-ass anti-hero and a by-the-book federal agent. Starting a project is both exciting and scary. It’s exciting because it’s something shiny and new and my imagination kicks into overdrive at the beginning of every new project. But it’s also daunting because it feels like a very long way to the finish line. I know there will be those moments of crippling self-doubt when I wonder how I will ever write myself out of the corner I’ve backed into, or why I ever thought this storyline was a good one to begin with. At least now I can call on experience to know those feelings will pass!

Finally, here’s a picture of Yennefer to help start your Monday with a smile. She’s getting bigger, but still a little fluff muffin!


Monday Musings 8-19-19


Another Comic Con in the books! I haven’t been back to Boston (now Fan Expo Boston) in a couple of years. It was great to see some old friends and make new ones. If you’ve just signed up for my mailing list, welcome to Monday Musings. Most days I wax poetic, in my own mind at least, about something personal, or dive into a writing topic, or give an update on my new releases and works-in-progress. It’s an opportunity to connect with you, and I welcome your notes in return. I love to hear from readers, friends, and fellow writers.

There’s always a highlight at a Con, and in Boston, the thoughtful, interesting, and lively discussions at the panels were that highlight. As a former teacher, I still think a lot about learning, specifically the way we can learn from each other through healthy listening and honest, respectful conversation.

It’s been my experience that aiming to discover the ‘right’ answer is far less productive than engaging earnestly with a question. When we truly listen to others, and respect that they have a perspective and life experience different from our own, real learning occurs and I think we evolve as human beings. I feel like there were several moments where that happened at, of all places, Comic Con!

Anyway, it was a great weekend, I have a ton of laundry, and I need a nap, but I still look forward to the next one!

For those of you who are new, meet our new kitten Yennefer. Old friends - she’s getting bigger!


Monday Musings 8-12-19

I like Mondays. To me, they represent potential for the new week ahead. How I feel when I wake up on a Monday morning is a good measurement of my overall health and well-being. Usually, I wake up refreshed and ready to jump into things. Sometimes, I don’t. It might be something simple like a meeting I’m not looking forward to, but occasionally it’s more than that, and I have to pay attention.

For nearly a year, I woke up on Mondays feeling exhausted, dreading my to-do lists and projects, not because I didn’t like my work, but because I wasn’t in good physical health. That was a sign for me that I needed to get a handle on things.

A few years ago, when I knew it was time to change careers, I’d wake up on Mondays weary and apprehensive. It may have been safer and perhaps easier to stay on that path, to do the familiar job I was good at, but in my gut, I knew a change would be for the better if I had the courage to take the leap.

We all have that small, still voice inside us that let’s us know if we are on the right path. It takes courage to listen, but I believe in the end, I believe we are better off when we do.

“Your mind knows only some things. Your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything. If you listen to what you know instinctively, it will always lead you down the right path.” - Henry Winkler

In other news, I’ll be at Fan Expo Boston this weekend signing books and hosting panels. Stop by booth A703 and say hello! You can find more info on the Con schedule, tickets, and programming here: Fan Expo Boston

Here’s my panel schedule for the weekend:

Friday August 16 -  6pm in room 253B

World Building 101 

Saturday August 17 - 11:30am in room 160B

Girl Power: Exploring Themes of Feminism in Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Saturday August 17 - 1:30pm in room 253C

Exploring Real World Conflicts in Otherworldly Settings

Hope to see you there!!!

Monday Musings 8-5-19

Con season is underway. Today I am writing from a hotel room in Tampa, with one heck of a con hangover! Tampa Bay was fantastic. I spoke on five panels, signed and sold dozens of books, and got to know some really interesting, kind people. If we met this weekend, it truly was a pleasure, and I’m so glad we'll be able to stay in touch through Monday Musings. You can also follow me on Instagram and FB (Tabitha Lord), and Twitter @tlordauthor.

I use this space to share personal musings, tidbits of writing advice, and lots of pictures of my kids and cats. You’ll also be the first to hear about new releases and any projects I’m working on. Since most of you newer folks are sci-fi fans, here’s a link to a short story of mine produced by StarShipSofa and performed by the amazing Andrea Richardson: Quest Nine. On my website,, you can also find a list of most of my published works and all the back issues of these Monday Musing posts.

We had some great discussions on the panels this weekend. For those aspiring writers interested in more info on writing craft, check out the Inkitt Writer’s Blog. If there’s a particular topic you’d like to see covered in an article, let me know. As the managing editor, I have a little pull!

Finally, I want to thank you if you bought my books this weekend. It is a joy to share my stories with readers and I truly hope you like the series! Don’t forget to leave a review:) Next stop, Boston Fan Expo August 16-18. If you’re in the area, I hope to see you there!

Below, for a Monday smile, Yennefer and Milo. Too cute for words!


Monday Musings 7-29-19

Recently a friend sent me a panicked text message about her work-in-progress. She said something like, “Do you ever think your manuscript is just awful, and wonder why you ever thought it was a good idea in the first place? What if I’m just a girl with an idea, and not a real writer?”

Inevitably, sometime during the writing process, I experience crippling self-doubt about the particular project I’m working on, and my skills as a writer in general, but I have to put those feelings in a box and keep going.

Once upon a time, every writer was just someone with an idea. That spark of inspiration will only transform from idea to reality if we are willing to do the work, stay the course, and learn as we go along.

“The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it.” - Kalpana Chawla

In other news, I’ll be at Tampa Bay Comic Con from August 2-4. In addition to signing books all weekend with fellow RI authors Heather Rigney and Mike Squatrito, I’ll be presenting on several panels. Here’s a look at my schedule:

Saturday 1:30-2:30 room 22 - World Building 101

Saturday 4:30-5:30 room 5 - Feminism in Fantasy and Sci-Fi

Saturday 9:00 - 10:00 pm room 22 - Geek Out! 

Sunday 12:00 - 1:00 room 22 - Scene Building Basics

Sunday 3:00 - 4:00  room 22 - Exploring Real World Conflicts in Other Worldly Settings

For more info on the Con and details on panels and programming, you can follow the link here: Tampa Bay Comic Con.

And last but not least, here’s a little furry happiness to help start your Monday off with a smile. Yennefer loves helping with blog posts!
