book events

Five Things - May 6, 2024

Welcome to my blog titled “Five Things” where you can expect just that - five random musings or reflections from the previous week or so. For a photo gallery of our life on the road, our pets, and miscellaneous things I find interesting, you can also follow me on Instagram @tabithalord.

So here are this week’s five things…

  1. My first semester of school starts next month! It’s the summer semester, which includes residency, and I’ve registered for my classes, paid my tuition bill, and booked my travel plans. Grad school has been a long time coming, and I can’t wait to get started!

  2. I had to get a new laptop last week. The screen on my old one wasn’t behaving and the battery wouldn’t hold a full charge, all signs of imminent failure. I didn’t want to wait until the last minute, but never in my experience purchasing and setting up new laptops has the process ever gone smoothly. Usually, I get home thinking I’ve asked the Genius Bar guy all my questions, but then it turns out my office suite is outdated and my spreadsheets look like gibberish, or my calendar events aren’t showing up, or my contacts won’t synch, or a whole bunch of files are hiding somewhere and I can’t find them, or every single application is logged out. I may sound a bit jaded, but after hours in the store, I’ve never come home and had a smooth transition. Well, I am pleased to report, I approached this mission with a very detailed list of ALL POSSIBLE PROBLEMS, and now everything works. I’m almost afraid to say it aloud for fear the laptop gremlins will hear, but it's true. All is well in my tech world, at least for now.

  3. We’re leaving Kansas City today, and it was definitely a fun stay! We caught a Royals game with a good friend of ours, and when Ray had to travel for work, I convinced my bestie to get a last minute plane ticket and come explore KC with me. Per usual, we had a great time. We ate some delish barbecue, found a great yoga studio, and binge watched Netflix. A writer friend of mine lives here, and he took us to his favorite spot, a really cool Irish pub with live music. We also crashed his weekly writer’s group gathering, after which we ended up closing down another bar. Kansas City is the site of the very first World Con I ever attended, so I have a soft spot for this city, and it didn’t disappoint!

  4. A not so fun thing about the midwest – tornadoes. They’ve been touching down all around us. We left Nebraska just a day before a big one hit a few miles from where we’d been staying, and we’re heading into more unsettled weather. In these places, we have our animal carriers out and ready, we’ve located the storm shelter, and we keep the stuff we need for a quick exit all in one place. Hopefully, we won’t actually have to make a run for it in the middle of the night with four cats and a dog, but you never know!

  5. If you are in the Dallas area, I’ll be signing books all weekend at Dallas Fan Expo June 7-9 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. I’ll post my full schedule soon, and maybe I’ll see you there!

“Not all those who wander are lost.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

Monday Musings 10-17-22

It’s official. We sold our home of nineteen years! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be prepping our new RV for full-time living, finishing up a few projects around the house, and sorting and packing. We’re slowly checking items off our list in anticipation of the big move. It’s exciting for sure.

On my last post, I talked about managing expectations during this time. That way of thinking has allowed me to approach our giant to-do list with equanimity most of the time, still make some forward progress with my writing, and be present for all the activities, events, and relationships that are important to me. So far, so good!

Speaking of activities, I’ll be at Rhode Island Comic Con November 4-6 signing books and moderating panels with a fantastic group of local authors. Here’s more info on the panels:

Friday, November 4, 5:30-6:15 pm - World Building 101

Science fiction and fantasy stories transport readers to new worlds, from the wondrous to the weird. Solid world building is essential to invite readers into your story and keep them immersed. How can writers construct believable worlds in unbelievable settings? How can we bring authenticity to these imaginary places? How do we develop an internal logic for our stories that is both fantastical and believable? When imagination and writing craft successfully intersect, the results can be out of this world! If you are an aspiring speculative fiction writer, this presentation is for you. 

Saturday, November 5, 11:30-12:15 - A Hero, Anti-Hero, and a Villain Walk into a Bar

Your main cast of characters should be well-developed and multi-faceted. Each one has a journey and a backstory. Let’s break down character archetypes and explore ways to bring depth and complexity to these fictional personalities. Join this lively conversation as we examine existing pop-culture heroes, anti-heroes, and villains, and discuss ways to breathe life into our own characters.

These will both take place in The Convention Center - Room 552. Hope to see you there!

Monday Musings 10-3-22

I can’t believe it’s October already! If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that the fall is my most productive time for creating new content. This year is a little different, however. Last week, Ray and I drove our new RV home from Tampa, FL, just in time to avoid Hurricane Ian, and we should close on the sale of our house in a little over a week. There’s still a lot to do around here before we go, so I’ve had to adjust my expectations a bit.

I really want to be present for the last season in our home of nineteen years. I want to enthusiastically celebrate the coming holidays, appreciate the process of sorting and simplifying, and enjoy the remaining book events for this calendar year. That means I likely won’t have as much time as I usually do to write.

My tendency is to pack my schedule and force myself to overdo it, or spend time that I should be engaged in other activities stressing over my lack of writing progress. This year, I’m choosing to set realistic goals instead. This is a unique season for my family. Our youngest left for college, we’re selling our home, and we’ve decided to embark on a grand adventure - full time RV living. While I’ve preached that writing is my job and needs to be treated as such, even if I had a different career, I might take a guilt-free sabbatical.

So, what exactly is happening with my writing this season? Well, my agent has a book on submission as we speak, which I hope will sell and help determine the direction of ‘Tabitha’s’ next project. Meanwhile, ‘Maggie’ just released Moving Target, the latest in the Tactical Solutions International romantic suspense series, and I’m planning to outline the stories and create a timeline for the final three books in that series. At the same time, I’m finishing an episodic story on Kindle Vella. I’ll also continue with my dual blog posts on Monday Musings and Dear Maggie, and I’ll be reviewing some great books over on Book Club Babble. If I accomplish more, that will be a bonus, but I’m trying hard not to pressure myself too much!

“There are two ways to be happy—improve your reality or lower your expectations.” – Jodi Picoult


If we met at The Big E this past weekend, it was a pleasure! I hope you enjoy my books and would love if you’d consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads.

Save the date! My next event is Rhode Island Comic Con November 4-6. I’ll be there with a great crew of local science fiction and fantasy writers all weekend signing books and moderating panels.

Monday Musings 9-5-22

As I write this, I am sitting in my hotel room on the last day of World Con. As always, these events are exhausting but satisfying. This Con in particular is filled with creators and fans of the written word, which sets it apart from the pop-culture focused events and makes it a bit more intellectually engaging.

We fans of sci-fi and fantasy, and all the sub-categories in between, are drawn to the genre not only because it sparks our imagination, but because we can explore real issues from the safety and distance of another planet, or from a parallel universe, or with superpowers. We can cheer the heroes who fight the darkness, slay the dragons of our nightmares, and build a world with a place for us all. Our fandom affords us the chance to do that in community.

I write science fiction for the same reason I watch and read it. First, because it appeals to my imagination on a deep level, and second, because I can explore heroes and worlds of my own creation. I can put my characters through hell, wage wars, build and destroy entire governments, design worlds. I can exercise my demons on the page. For me, the satisfaction of creating these stories is very similar to the enthusiasm I have for other people’s stories. And having fans is as much fun as being a fan!

Cons are places where fans can interact with artists, and where people who find joy in a good story come to celebrate that story, whether it’s found on a screen, in a comic, or in a novel. If we met at World Con this weekend, it was a pleasure. If you came to one of my panels or workshops, I hope you found something interesting to take away. If you bought my books, thank you for the support, and I hope you’ll stay in touch!

Monday Musings 8-2-21

I’ve just finished my first post-COVID book event. In fact, I’m writing this blog from my hotel room in Tampa, just outside the convention center. My two friends, fellow authors who also attended the Con, left this morning, but I am meeting my husband down here for a vacation. We’ll catch up with family we haven’t seen in far too long, and have quiet time together at the beach - a perfect ending to the outing!

As I write this, I’m remembering how exhausting these events are. My feet hurt, my voice is hoarse by the end, and I definitely don’t get enough sleep. Regardless, I’ve really missed this part of the writer’s life. I miss talking with fans who enjoy similar things. I miss sharing my process with aspiring writers. I miss the feeling of satisfaction I get when I sign a book I’ve written for a new or returning reader. Sure, I communicate with readers, fans, and fellow authors all the time via social media, email, or Zoom, and I am so grateful for these options, but they don’t replace the energy that’s generated when we’re together in the same room.

My friends and I presented at four different panels over the weekend. The audience was fully engaged. I find these moments, when total strangers connect over a shared interest, to be very powerful. It reminds me that despite the many things that divide us, we have much in common. We have stories to tell, experiences to share, vivid and unique imaginations that compel us to create. When I’m with fellow writers, artists, and other creative types, even in a setting that’s as light-hearted and pop-culture focused as a Comic Con, I’m reminded of the value in what we do.

“There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns.” - Edward de Bono

Here’s a few fun photos from the weekend…

Monday Musings 7-19-21

At the end of the month, I’ll be heading to Tampa Bay Comic Con to sign books and moderate panels. I’m so excited to essentially re-launch Equinox, book 3 in the Horizon series. I had just completed the trilogy and started my promotional activities when COVID hit, stalling everything in its tracks. Now that the world is opening up again, I have a pretty aggressive book signing schedule set, and I can’t wait to get going!

I made an interesting pivot during COVID and established the Maggie Clare persona in order to write romantic suspense. I was able to write, market, and sell this type of work without ever leaving home, and it gave me something to dig into and eventually celebrate during a particularly challenging time for me professionally. Turns out, I really love writing as Maggie, but I’m also excited to tend to my speculative fiction platform. To that end, the draft of Dreamwalker is finished, and I am working through edits with my agent before sending it out on submission. Edits are daunting, but at least the framework is in place. I’m really excited to see where this book will land, so stay tuned!

Back to Tampa…. If you’re in the area, I’d love to see you at the Con. I’ll be with a couple of other fabulous RI authors signing books all weekend. Please stop by and say hello. And, if you’re an aspiring or established writer, check out our panels. They’re really fun and informative. Here’s our full program schedule with descriptions:


3:00PM - 4:00PM // Floor 1, Rm. 3

If the future is Feminist, is your writing? Maybe you have questions you’re afraid to ask. Or, maybe you have first-person advice you’d like to give. If you’ve ever wondered if your female character should pull her hair back before she battles a vampire (emphatically yes, and she should always have an elastic on her wrist), then this is the panel for you. Always wanted to tell the male writers how a woman really showers? Then join us! SciFi, Fantasy, Gamer, and Graphic Novel writers (or anyone, really, we like you all) let’s have a courageous conversation about what it means to have gender equity in our art.


10:00AM - 11:00AM // Floor 1, Rm. 5

Your main cast of characters should be well-developed and multi-faceted. Each one has a journey and a backstory. Let’s break down character archetypes, and explore ways to bring depth and complexity to these fictional personalities. Join this lively conversation as we examine existing pop-culture heroes, anti-heroes, and villains, and discuss ways to breathe life into our own characters.


12:00PM - 1:00PM // Floor 1, Rm. 3

Every writer has faced it - the dreaded blinking cursor and blank page. When the deadline looms but the ideas won’t flow and you’ve lost the plot, what’s a writer to do? Join a panel of experienced authors as they share their tips and tricks for writing their way out of creative paralysis.


1:30PM - 2:30PM // Floor 1, Rm. 5

Science fiction and fantasy stories transport readers to new worlds, from the wondrous to the weird. Solid world building is essential to invite readers into your story and keep them immersed. How can writers construct believable worlds in unbelievable settings? How can we bring authenticity to these imaginary places? How do we develop an internal logic for our stories that is both fantastical and believable? When imagination and writing craft successfully intersect, the results can be out of this world! If you are an aspiring speculative fiction writer, this presentation is for you.


Daisy is here! She’s a little love - so cuddly and sweet! Now, in addition to kitty pics, I’ll be posting lots of puppy pics too. You can check them out on my Instagram @tabithalord.