
Monday Musings 12-19-22

The New Year is quickly approaching, and it’s certainly going to be a different kind of year for us! As we transition into our life of adventure on the road, we have an opportunity to consciously create new habits around work, health, and play.

Despite the fact that I’m an avid yoga practitioner, and Ray hits the gym nearly every day, the nature of our work is more sedentary than in years past. We also really, really enjoy our cocktails! We’re both looking forward to exploring different parts of the country and adding more daily activity into our lives. We’ve even discussed implementing ‘no drink January’ as part of the new deal. We’ll see how that goes…

On the work front, I’m excited about a few projects. Dreamwalker is still on submission, so there’s really nothing I can do around that for now, but I have already started a new fantasy novel tentatively titled The Dragon Dancer of Krysh. Yes, there are dragons! Meanwhile, my alter ego, Maggie Clare, will be finishing off the TSI romantic suspense series with three more books. Yep, I’m feeling pretty ambitious!

Finally, I’m planning to share my travel journey online. It’s time to refocus my social media presence, blog spaces, and overall professional platform anyway, so this seems the perfect time. In the coming weeks, look for those updates and for some new ways to follow our journey.

Wishing you all a joyful holiday season and a very happy New Year!

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” - Seneca

Monday Musings 1-6-20


It’s the first Monday of 2020. Last week, I wrote about the importance of reflection in my habit life, and how I like to use the time leading up to the new year to take stock both personally and professionally. An honest and thorough review of the past year helps guide me into goal setting for the new year.

So, here’s how I approach the next step…

First off, I identify a series of intentions rather than specific goals. I do this in order to leave room for unforeseen opportunities, or because I’m not sure yet how a particular intention might manifest. For example, last year, I recognized that I missed teaching, and I created an intention to bring teaching back into my life. When I set this intention, I wasn’t sure how it would play out, but opportunities came in the form of leading writing workshops, panels, and conference programs. I was also offered a chance to teach a semester of Latin. While this classroom opportunity didn’t directly relate to my writing work, it nourished the teacher in me and I was pleased to accept the offer.

This year, my intention is to get into better physical shape. With each passing year, my body changes, and with it the things I need to do to support it. I have a specific routine I follow, but it hasn’t been quite the right thing for a while now. I’m going to pay more attention this year and really focus on finding what does work.

Sometimes specific goals are needed…

This year I have a new project with aggressive deadlines. Under the pen name Maggie Clare, I’ll be releasing a romantic suspense series. With this comes building the required author platform including website, social media accounts, and promotional work.

Additionally, under my own name, I’m planning to finish the draft of Dreamwalker, a gritty urban fantasy about a female assassin who almost kills an innocent man. Think Jessica Jones meets Dexter.

And finally, I’ll continue to promote the HORIZON series with a full travel and book signing schedule.

Those are my concrete goals, complete with dates and deadlines. I’ll spend the next few days planning and structuring my calendar to accommodate them. I’ll admit to being a bit OCD when it comes to working with my calendar and to-do lists. But, my method keeps me working proactively rather than reactively, and I feel more productive and in charge of my time.

One last thought as you consider setting your intentions and goals for 2020…

Focus on things you can control. I talk about this a lot with regard to writing. There are many things in the writing world I can’t control. I can’t predict how people will react to my work, what kind of reviews they’ll leave, if sales will be robust, if I’ll make it onto a coveted list, or win an award. But I can commit to improving my craft, learning the latest marketing and promotional trends, behaving professionally, and working hard. So, when I make resolutions around my writing life, I stick to things over which I can have an impact.

I hope 2020 brings you peace and joy. Happy New Year!